****Note these are just a few of the lessons that I think do the best job of showcasing my teaching****
Environmental Sustainability: my first lesson
First lesson – environmental stewardship (1)

environmental detectives handout (created in google slides)
environmental stewards handout
This lesson was my first chance to create and teach a planned lesson to a class. My mentor teacher helped me use a cool lesson template with a column for ‘teacher activity’ and ‘student activity to help better organize the lesson. Definitely a template I will use in the future!
Math: my lesson needing the most improvement
Math Lesson plan – multiplication – lesson plan 2
My math lesson went ok but needed a lot of improvement! When teaching I didn’t check for understanding and needed prompting from my mentor teacher to give a more in-depth example and check for understanding. Though once the activity started it was engaging for the students!
Planning assignment: my unit plan/ most complete lesson
The planning assignment so far has been my first experience planning a unit, part of this assignment was developed from a lesson I had on soccer defense. From this, I can see a few improvements in my teaching! I changed from the repetitive drilling style to a lesson that taught defense through the use of games instead. I think that this lesson is my most improved lesson and does the best job of showing my teaching growth.
PE cross-curricular lesson on April 7th
I am about to teach this lesson and will give an update of how it went!
thanks to the National Cancer Institute on Unsplash for the featured image!